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Cyber Code Technologies Conducted Data Cleansing using WinPure

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Cyber Code Technologies & Cisco Networking Academy Delivered Webinar Addressing Cyber Security Organized by the Mansour University College

/ Online Webinar Organized by Mansour University College

As per Online Education Electronics program in the Iraqi Universities which was adopted by the Research and Development Department in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Cisco Networking Academy with Mansour University College has arranged Webinar that was delivered on 18-12-2019 with the title: “Cyber Security of the Iraqi Website, the challenges and the ambition”. 

The Webinar was attended by around 200 audience from university teachers, specialized personnel and students.
The participant appreciated the webinar which make such unique opportunity which started such important initiatives and awareness for the society
/ Instructors

The instructors of the webinar were:

Marc Khayat from Lebanon: Technical Manager for Cisco Networking Academy in Iraq, Palestine and GCC

Salma Ali from Egypt: Head of Social Services for Cisco Networking Academy in Iraq, Palestine and GCC

Farook Al-Jibouri from United Arab Emirates: Specialized in Cyber Security the Executive Director of Cyber Code Technologies

/ Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses of Iraqi Websites

Organized and Administrated by Head of Cisco Networking Academy in Mansour University College, Dr. Mahmoud Shukur Mahmoud, who highlighted that doing such webinars using online meeting platforms represented a unique experience for the Cisco Networking Academy in Iraq and the rest of Iraqi Universities, as the webinar discussed the basic principles of Cyber Security for Iraqi Websites and the main challenges which are represented against the Iraqi Websites and addressed the vulnerabilities and weakness which make it easy byte for attackers, also the webinar addressed the basics of Cyber Security in technical and academic way through specialized training courses which Cisco Networking Academy present. In the end the participant appreciated the webinar to make such unique opportunity which started such important initiatives and awareness for the society.

Al-Mansour University College كلية المنصور الجماعة
/ About Al-Mansour University College
Al-Mansour University College ,a non profit Co-educational Institution of higher education, was founded in Baghdad in (1988) by academically distinguished members of the board of trustees. The collage's emphasis is on quality University Education . Accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, the sole accrediting authority in Iraq, the collage construct course programmers and academic curricula which are designed according to those adopted by UNESCO, with the perception that education fuels the economy
MUC is hosting one of the oldest and most producting Cisco Networking Academy in Iraq to represent an authorized learning center in the country and has contributed in learning and certificating thousands of studens and learners in Iraq.

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